9 Simple Fitness Hacks for Travel
With the relentless incidents and events of the modern-day world, it’s far too easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of distractions and find yourself a ‘valid’ excuse not to exercise. There’s not enough time, energy, or money for a gym membership, & the other justifications go on & on.
But when I say that all you’ll need for these Simple Fitness Hacks is a mere 10 minutes, you can bet your soon-to-be-peachy asscheeks that I mean it.
I sincerely believe that working out should be as enjoyable as possible, not dreadful.
Growing up in Australia, I was very active and somewhere in between dancing, swimming, karate, and netball, there was always something to keep me on my toes.
But as with most people, the more you get older & the more responsibilities start to get in the way, finding the time to prioritise a proper work out can become a challenge.
Whether you’re battling between no money or next-to-no motivation, I can assure you that these exercise tips will do the trick. They’re simple but effective, and they can be whipped out anywhere. Even in your grandma’s garage...
So here you have it, 9 of my best fitness hacks to help you incorporate exercise, in some shape or form, into your daily routine.
Create a killer playlist
After all of my years of vigorous, somewhat, dangerous, power-walking, I’ve learned that having a good playlist is a must.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, a decent playlist is a serious game changer. This is one of the keys to long-term success.
Set yourself up with a handful of playlists that motivate and inspire you to actually get that ass up off the couch.
It doesn’t have to be just music, you could listen to podcasts, an audio book, anything really. The options are endless.
Create your own DIY weights
No dumbbells? No worries mate.
If you’re interested in a weight-focused workout at home, but you don’t have the right gear, you can easily use household items to get the job done.
My dad’s first set of ‘weights’ was a couple of bricks duct taped to a broom. My boyfriend currently uses two water bottles glued to a mop.
Suss out cans of soup, water bottles, iron pans and pots, books, a dog...
For DIY resistance bands, you can grab a pair of stockings or pantyhose, and wrap them around your target area.
Anything is possible, you just need to get creative!
Schedule and Prioritise your workout
With all seriousness, scheduling a workout into your routine holds you accountable for that period of time.
Just like setting a date and time for a work meeting or a doctor’s appointment, scheduling your workouts can help you stick to the habit in the long run.
Top tip: Set a reminder 30-minutes beforehand.
Time is pure gold, so let’s start treating it that way. For more tips on How to Increase Your Productivity, check out my post here.
Commit to a solid 10-minute workout
This is the fitness hack that honestly works the best for me.
Whether you wake up in sloth-mode, or some sort of uncontrollable shit goes down at work, set aside 10 minutes to workout, regardless of what’s going on.
It can be anything from a jog or walk to a bike ride or a series of ab or butt workouts. Just remember, starting is always the most challenging part. Think about how good you’ll feel once it’s over. Plus, a short burst of activity is far better than no activity!
For a killer butt workout, check out this Youtube clip!
Sleep in your gym clothes
This sounds amusing, but it actually works.
As one of the more popularised fitness hacks, sleeping in your workout gear is one of the best tricks in the book.
If you flirt with the idea of becoming a sunrise stroller, or an early-morning gym nut, consider packing your bags and preparing a nutritious breakfast or smoothie the night before.
Chucking on your clothes before hitting the bed actually works wonders.
This eliminates excuses and saves you a ton of time in the morning.
Tempt yourself with an incentive
Having an incentive can be a real game changer in terms of motivation.
Choose something that’s enough to motivate you into hitting your new fitness regime hard.
Whether it’s a dollar in a jar every time you complete a workout, or a vintage item you’ve been dreaming of buying, remember to dig deeper and be mindful of the many benefits of your newfound, healthy habits.
Hit your abs where it hurts
If you’re running low on time, or at home without the numerous gym machines, grab yourself two towels.
Take the two towels and place them sideways, one under your hands, and the other under your feet.
Then, simply slide forwards, backward, and sideways. Whatever way floats your boat. You’re guaranteed to feel the burn!
Opt for the stairs
Always. Stairs are not only a great cardio workout, but they also help to strengthen your quads, ass, and calf muscles.
Ditching the elevator/escalator is the right choice!
Any time you feel tempted to take the easier option, just push yourself towards the stairs instead.
Monitor your steps
It’s those small changes to your routine that add up over time, and that’s why you should aim to add more steps into your day.
Think about it. Humans were once walking for hours, even days on end during the hunter-gatherer stage of our evolution.
By setting a goal to hit a minimum of 10,000 steps per day, you’re prioritising your health in a more encouraging way.
You could make a few adjustments to your schedule:
Ditch the car and take transport to work, go for a stroll on your lunch break, or go for a vigorous power-walk in the evening.
Top tip: Buy yourself a nifty pair of exercise to give yourself that little extra push. If you’ve got the right gear, you can go for hours.
When travel comes into play, our fitness routines tend to get chucked out the window. And who could you blame when the labyrinth-like alleyways, soaring mountain tops, and that cocktail on the beach feel like they’re quite literally calling out your name… But alas, staying in shape while travelling can be reframed from energy-draining, to effortless with these simple exercises. Fellow female travellers, behold: the 5 Best Workouts for Girls on the Go.