Camins de Vent: Hot Air Balloon Barcelona

Barcelona is lapped by lyrical landmarks, legendary landmarks and a liberating atmosphere. I set out on a quest to uncover the Catalonian capital’s most captivating experiences. Among the array of awe-worthy finds, I discovered Camins de Vent, a leader in premium hot air balloon flights near Barcelona.

hot air balloon barcelona

Having lived in Barcelona for more than five years, I’ve experienced a huge haul of the city’s highlights. Don’t get me wrong, the Sagrada Familia, Park Guell and Casa Batllo are incredible sites to see.

But having dived deep into the slew of sightseeing opportunities, I’ve felt the need to mix things up. Recently, I’ve felt a calling to uncover the dazzling depth of experiences in Catalonia.

Like some sort of innate craving to come face to face with Spain’s most exhilarating and enlivening experiences. So, as the spirited nomad I am, I dove deep into investigation.

I stumbled upon a series of unique things to do in Barcelona. With everything from pottery classes and sunset sails to helicopter rides and paint and wine workshops, my bucket list for the most unique and unthinkable experiences began to grow.

Among the adrenaline-inducing and alcohol-infused highlights, there was one thing that really stood out.

I came across an eye-catching image of a technicolour balloon contrasted against a bright blue sky and misty mountain tops painting the backdrop. Boom. A hot air balloon ride!

As soon as the idea popped into my mind, I felt a rush of energy sweep through me. ‘That’s it!’, I thought. I scrolled through the ins and outs of the internet until I locked eyes with Camins de Vent. After reading rave-worthy reviews and digging around on their website, I decided it was time to reach out. So, here’s a little bit about how my experience unfolded…

camins de vent hot air balloon barcelona

My Experience With Camins de Vent

The day kicked off bright and early, at 4:30 a.m. I navigated the network of untamed streets, before making my way towards the major train station.

From there, I embarked on an hour-and-something journey towards Igualada. Following a foggy morning and a tranquil train ride, I arrived at the meeting point, where I was greeted with smiling faces.

I eagerly jumped inside the 4WD, buckled in my seatbelt and peered out the window. As the engines roared, we drove our way out of the clouds and towards bluer skies.

The lyrical landscapes were lapped with soaring mountains, piercingly green grass and an odd animal every now and then. I could feel the adrenaline bubbling within me, and my mind started to go wild.

Sure, I’d jumped out of a plane in New Zealand many moons ago, but I’d never had a hot air balloon experience before. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, and I guess that’s what made the entire experience so unforgettable.

As we arrived, the drop site was hemmed in with a hue of honey-coloured hay. As the team began to set things up, things really started to feel real. I dove into a depth of conversations with fellow flyers, most of which were all Catalan.

Then, the flames from the burner began to blaze in synchronicity with the human-sized fans. The team held up the sides of the balloon, slowly allowing gushes of unwavering air to filter in. It was like watching a Hubba-Bubba bubble-gum-sized project evolve, and it was one that I was about to step inside of.
The crowd’s chatter was coined with cheer and the atmosphere became overly animated, almost as if they were in a sudden caffeinated craze. As I watched the spectacle unfold, I felt the adrenaline shoot through my veins.

camins de vent is a hot air balloon near barcelona

My heart began to pound and my mind started to race. I ran around like a mad woman, trying to capture every angle with my camera.

Following a frenzied fifteen minutes on my part, the team announced that it was time to take off. And boy, was I ready to rumble. ‘Yeehaw!’, I yelled (in my head). We stepped inside the basket-like gondola and cheekily chuckled as if we were on a school excursion.

Our pilot, Carles, briefly explained the perplexing process, before diving into what was about to unfold. He announced that we’d make it up to 1,300m, which honestly felt unfathomable at that point.

I peered up at the collections of chords, ropes and cables, almost as if I were a curious child in a chocolate factory.

Then, the heat from the burner began to propel us into the air. Wafts of heat wavered around, gushes of crisp air came through and the soft morning light began to kiss my skin. We were up! Boom bam, baby.

As the hot air balloon rose, I felt an immense sense of gratitude gushing through me. The panoply of panoramas dominated the scene, painting postcard-worthy views at every angle.

As we took to the skies, we spotted a slew of spellbinding sights. From afar, you could see the jagged Montserrat mountains, and boy, did that really put things into perspective.

We locked eyes with quaint villages, winding roads and honey-hued farms. There was even a handful of cheeky goats frolicking the terrain, which for some reason, reminded me of my time in Greece. Random.

The higher we got, the smaller things felt. It’s funny how heading up above the clouds can help get your head out of the clouds. Not literally, but you get the jist. I pondered over the perplexing scenery and let the waves of wholesome emotions sweep through my body. In all honesty, it was kind of like a spiritual experience. No joke.

man setting up a hot air balloon in barcelona

We chatted about life in Catalonia and Carles answered a series of questions, while the others listened intently. I learned a lot more than I’d expected. When I embarked on this journey, I didn’t realise I’d walk away from it with so much more.

Upon reflection, I’ve come to realise that nothing truly connects you with a landscape like a local experience. You can navigate the network of sightseeing experiences on offer, but at the end of the day, that is just one side of the story.

The opportunity to collaborate with Camins de Vent has unlocked a new level of appreciation for the country I get to call home.

Special shoutout to the entire team for making this one of the most memorable adventures! The hot air balloon experience is an image that will be instilled in my mind for many years to come. After half a decade of living in Barcelona, I thought I’d discovered the best things on offer.

But seeing the sights from above has initiated the start of something new. I’m on a quest to uncover the most unique things to do in Barcelona, something you’ll be able to read about very shortly.

On this journey, I’m hunting down the northeastern coastline’s most captivating events, experiences and activities. If you’re keen to hear about Barcelona unhinged, be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out!

Hot Air Balloon Barcelona: A Premium Panoramic Experience Among The Clouds

If you’re looking to freshen up your Barcelona itinerary, a hot air balloon ride with Camins de Vent should be at the top of your bucket list. Ignite the spirit of adventure and explore Catalonia’s colourful landscapes, all from above!

Camins de Vent is a company that facilitates premium hot air balloon flights near Barcelona. Operating over several points in Catalonia, you can uncover the best of the best. Choose between hot spots like Igualada, Manresa (close to Montserrat), Vic, Lleida, la Cerdanya, Vic, Banyoles, Empordà and the iconic Costa Brava.

jess bergin at a hot air balloon barcelona

What To Expect From Camins de Vent

If you’re wondering what you can expect from this awe-inspiring activity, here’s a brief breakdown:

With Camins de Vent, you can expect more than just your average hot air balloon ride.

You’ll set off to the skies for one hour of teeming tranquility in a basket-like gondola, wavering with the waves of wind.

Boasting a bounty of well-equipped experts, the pilots will delve into the diversity of details.

As you soak up the stately scenery and splendid views, you’ll learn about the unique area you are flying. Upon landing, you’ll be gifted a personalised Camins de Vent backpack and a Flight Certificate.

Then, you’ll lock lips with some scrumptious treats and a glass of Cava (Spanish sparkling wine). Later on, you’ll be sent a series of professional images taken by the team. The entire hot air balloon activity lasts around three hours.

group at a hot air balloon in barcelona

The hot air balloon flight includes:

  • Preparation of the hot air balloon

  • Flight of one hour approximately

  • Landing and collect of the balloon

  • Personalized Camins de Vent backpack with cookies and juices

  • Glass of Cava

  • Flight Certificate

  • Pictures of the activity

  • Return to the meeting point by off-road vehicles

Find out the cost of a hot air balloon flight in Barcelona with Camins de Vent on their website.


Camins de Vent: One of the Top Hot Air Balloon Rides in Barcelona

camins de vent hot air balloon barcelona

It’s no secret that I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with Camins de Vent. And you can too!

If you want to plan a trip to Barcelona, you may be feeling overwhelmed with the eclectic array of experiences on offer.

Sightseeing here is like hitting the jackpot. In between Gaudi’s gifts from the godsend, the fuming football matches and the mouth-watering Catalan cuisine, you’ll be on the edge of your seat.

Make the most of your time and spice up your itinerary with an unforgettable hot air balloon experience in Barcelona.

Camins de Vent is crowned with congenial characters, captivating vistas and a world of memorable experiences.

Not only will you walk away with a wealth of knowledge, but you’ll feel gratitude gushing through every inch of your body. So what are you waiting for? Book your hot air balloon flight today!


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