Jess Bergin

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SafetyWing Mobile App: Your Ultimate Travel Companion

If you’re setting out on an adventure, travel insurance is a must-have. I could bang on big-time about SafetyWing’s Nomad Insurance, but today I’m going to keep things short, sweet and simple. Just like the app!

Adventures abroad entail new experiences, new people, new places… With so much on offer, it’s easy to get swept up in the moment. Travel insurance provides you with peace of mind so that you can fully immerse yourself in the cultures, colours and captivating landscapes of life overseas.

I love travelling and I feel so fortunate to call Europe my home. Having lived in Barcelona for more than six years, I’ve collected a panoply of stamps in my passport. Some of my favourite travel destinations include places like Indonesia, Italy and Greece.

But travelling hasn’t always been fun and games. Last year when I visited Fez, Morocco, I got struck with a nasty case of food poisoning. It was so bad, they wouldn’t let me board the airplane. And in that moment, I felt completely gutted. Pun intended.

I was stuck in the country, with no medical help or place to stay. Thankfully, my friend took the lead. She grabbed my bags, rolled me around in a wheelchair and got us to the nearest hotel.

The next day, I was still struggling to walk. But I put my mind to it and organised flights back to Spain. The plan was simple - I just needed to make it onto the plane, and, without vomiting. Lol.

Once we made it through customs, and I *finally* sat down in my seat, I felt an immense sense of relief wash over me. As the plane ascended over northwest Africa, and the sun peaked through the clouds below, I was grateful to be on the road back home.

Despite making it this far in my journey, I was still struck by worry. I had to spend extra money on the hotel, taxis and other expenses. I hadn’t accounted for this in my travel budget and had been left out of pocket.

So that’s where SafetyWing came in to save the day - their Nomad Insurance offered me medical and travel coverage, and having their app was a serious game-changer. If you haven’t heard of these legends before, let me give you the rundown.

What is SafetyWing?

SafetyWing provides coverage in more than 175+ countries around the world, so you’re sweet to roam the globe. They offer medical coverage for injuries and illness, as well as travel coverage for delays and interruptions.

Plus, there are plenty of add-ons too. You can get covered for certain electronics and adventure sports like karting and kite-surfing. Sounds pretty sweet, right?

The best part is, you can buy it before you leave, or, at any other point during your travels. Whether you’re off on a single trip or an adventure-packed few months in multiple destinations, SafetyWing offers flexible policies to ensure you with peace of mind. Plus, you can extend it every month or as you go.

SafetyWing Mobile App

So now that you’re up to speed on SafetyWing’s Nomad Insurance, let’s dive deep into the app.

When I travel, I’m that one person who shoves as much as possible into their backpack. Cameras, books, clothes and more. But there’s not always space to bring my laptop. That’s why I’ve got the mobile app on my phone to get me through. Smooth sailing!

Not all of us are lugging a computer around with us while abroad, especially when on an adventure. I mean, could you see yourself hiking a volcano, snorkelling in a coral reef or skydiving with it on you? Me neither.

The SafetyWing mobile app means that your travel insurance policy is just a quick, seamless swipe away. It’s kind of like your travel sidekick. You’ll have a worry-free adventure, and if sh*t hits the fan, you can unlock your mobile, click on the app and get straight to business.

SafetyWing’s app allows you to edit your details and chat with the 24/7 customer service team. And if you’re anything like me and leave things to the last minute, you can buy, manage and even cancel your Nomad Insurance.

Features of the SafetyWing Travel Insurance App

Want to know more? Let’s brush over some of the highlights of this app.

  • Multi-Language Support: SafetyWing doesn’t just cater to English speakers. The app offers multi-language support, meaning that it’s ideal for remote workers and digital nomads all around the globe. The app’s various language options mean that it’s inclusive and accessible for everyone.

  • Worldwide Accessibility: The app boasts global accessibility, so you can use the SafetyWing services regardless of your location. If you’re a digital nomad or frequent flyer, you can enjoy access to the app while moving around.

  • Telemedicine Services: SafetyWing’s app is combined with telemedicine services. This means that users can access online medical consultations. If you need assistance while travelling or working abroad, you’ll have a virtual appointment at your fingertips.

  • Real-Time Policy Management: With real-time policy management features, you can easily update, change and purchase travel insurance. If you’re on-the-go, adjusting your coverage with the app is hassle-free.

My Favourite Things About The SafetyWing App

So now that you know some of the best features of the SafetyWing app, here’s a list of my personal favourites.

  • User Experience: Some apps are slow as f**k. The lag time is enough to make you bang your head against a wall. SafetyWing's mobile app boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and access everything.

  • Claims Process: The mobile app offers a streamlined claims process. It’s secure and efficient, so you don’t have to worry about spam. If you find yourself in a sh*t-uation, you can handle your claims directly through the app.

  • App Features: You can personalise notifications, travel advice and emergency assistance too. The app makes staying up-to-date and keeping organised effortless.

SafetyWing Mobile App, and Beyond!

So, I believe that’s about everything you need to know about the SafetyWing Mobile App. Whether you’re a digital nomad or a seasoned globetrotter, this travel insurance is a must-have.